Tuesday, January 6, 2009


20,000 leagues under the sea.  I gave the convention a break and started picking up my favorite author, Jules Verne, again.  Aboard the Nautilus Mr. Land, Professor Arronax and Conseil, are having just a beautiful time aboard the ship. Yeah Right.  The Way Mr. Verne wrote this book, is that it doesn't have a set plot its more like different adventures that resolve themselves.  I have just reread the chapter on when our heroes went ashore to an island inhabited by cannibals.  Now they didn't really comprehend the severity of going on this island, but went ashore to gather specimens.  They are discovered by the Cannibals and return safely to the Nautilus. The Professor and Conseil begin to gather shells from the Nautilus while the Cannibals linger on the beach trying to devise a plan.  This goes on for several days, till amazingly our heroes discover a rare shell.  While they celebrate, the cannibals attack the ship with boarding parties and arrows. One lucky arrow nails the the shell and shatters it.  Captain Nemo  saves are heroes and the cannibals retreat to the island.

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