Tuesday, December 16, 2008


So I've been reading Jules Verne a lot now, and so I've started another of his books, 20,000 leagues under the sea.  This book is by far my favorite book and I like my copy of i, because it is really, really old and you get a better translation of it.  My copy of Journey to the Centre of the Earth is far more modern, and not nearly as authentic.  I like Verne's writing a lot and I think he is one of the greatest authors of all time.  In 20,000 leagues, I love how you relate to the antagonist, Captain Nemo, because he's not really a villain even though he is suppose to be. 


Greer said...

My little brother really likes that book too! He says that he likes it cause of all the adventure in it, but I haven't read it yet. I guess I'll have to some time!

Austin Dummer said...

Jimmer, that is such a good story. Although the book is probably alot better, the movie kicks butt. Captian Nemo seems like a cool guy. I bet you think you guys are a lot alike.

JN said...

dummer you hit it right on the money. hope you feel better