Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Book Blog 2

Well now I've read quite a bit into the book and it has come to the eruption of the Civil War.  Jackson enlisted into the Confederacy and has been posted to harpers ferry.  His job is to train new recruits to be soldiers.  Now most of these men have had no military experience what so ever.  This is one of Jackson's most brilliant feats.  He trains his men hard, and they are then sent to Manassas to fight in the first real battle of the Civil War.  The men on both sides of the battle field think the war will soon be over, with their side the winner.  Not true,  it is a blood bath. Many men die here, but the most important part of the battle is when Jackson's brigade pushes the yankee forces back.  One of the Northern Generals sees Jackson and his men and exclaims "there's Jackson standing like a stonewall." A few seconds later he is shot and dies, but the name sticks and Thomas Jackson becomes Stonewall Jackson.  He is then promoted to Brigadier General, a great feat.  The Battle that was fought was called the first Bull Run, and it is as far as I have gotten.   I'm really enjoying the book and so far recommend it to all. I shows a lot of history.

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